Purchasing a firearm

Your purchase of a firearm will be guided by many factors. It may be target shooting, inside the home protection, or concealed carry to name a few. Regardless, you will want to ask yourself a few questions each time you handle a firearm. How does the firearm fit in the hand? Is it ergonomic for me and can I handle the controls? If it is difficult to operate when you’re relaxed, it may be difficult during a time of duress. With training, one can overcome this, but why start at a disadvantage. The next question should be caliber selection. Some consider the cost of ammunition or what they believe will provide adequate power for their intended purpose. Another question is how available is the ammunition? Recoil management is another consideration to investigate. Do your research and this includes going to a local range (if they offer rentals) to try out different firearms and calibers. Be wary of the person who pushes one gun as the “best”. This is usually based on their bias and may not be the firearm for you. Each person is different and the way a firearm handles will be subjective to the end user. This last sentence is important- each individual person, regardless of your make up, will have a different hand size, different perceptions of recoil, and preferences- you are the only one that can really answer these questions. With all the above to think about, remember the most important is being safe, learn the fundamentals, and seek proper instruction. Get out and shoot!